Warwick, RI – When James D. Bartlett, 55, of 4 Dawley St., Coventry walked into the emergency room at Kent County Memorial Hospital July 4 at 5 a.m. smelling strongly of alcohol and attempted to drive away, a guard delayed him until a Warwick officer showed up to arrest him.
According to the report of Officer Thomas Duncan, Bartlett walked into the emergency room looking for a friend, who he intended to pick up. The security guard on duty noted that Bartlett’s breath smelled strongly of alcohol, and asked him how he’d gotten to the hospital. Bartlett answered that he’d driven there.
The guard told Bartlett that he wouldn’t be driving away, since he was intoxicated, but Bartlett argued, returning to his tan 2005 Honda Accord in the ER lot, and attempted to drive off.
Bartlett struck another car in the lot in the process, and the guard, who had followed him outside, yelled at him to stop, and called police. The guard stayed with Bartlett until Duncan arrived.
Duncan spoke with Bartlett, who admitted to driving to the hospital. Duncan also noted a strong odor of alcohol on Bartlett’s breath, according to the officer’s report. Duncan asked Bartlett if he’d been drinking, to which the man replied “yes”. Duncan also asked where he had driven from, to which Bartlett replied he’d driven from his home.
Duncan asked Bartlett to perform a series of field sobriety tests, which he failed. He demonstrated a lack of smooth pursuit in his vision, missed heel-to-toe cadence for every step of the walk-and-turn and waved his arms for balance, and was unable to balance on one foot during the one-leg-stand.
Duncan arrested Bartlett, and transported him to Warwick Police Headquarters, where he produced a .185 blood alcohol content and .170 blood alcohol content result during two separate breath tests.
Bartlett was charged with DUI, first offense, and cited for operating a car without evidence of insurance.
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