WARWICK, RI — COVID-19 medical supplies from Kent Hospital’s India Relief Effort collected at the former Field Hospital have started their journey by plane to Delhi, India.
India’s health care system’s struggling against overwhelming COVID-19 cases, so Kent Hospital doctors local aid for their overseas colleagues. Dr. Jinen Thakkar, Hospitalist, and Dr. Laura Forman, Chief of Emergency Medicine at Kent Hospital, are organizing a cargo flight of critical medical supplies.
The donations are freighted to Newark, NJ, where a flight takes them to India.
The first plane arrived in Delhi early Tuesday, according to an announcement from Kent Hospital. That plane contained 22 ventilators, over 420 bipaps, 40k nasal cannula, oxygen masks, ventilator circuits.
The contents will be distributed throughout four states by ASR charitable trust, which is a local NGO working with the WHO SEARO team.
Pallets for Plane 2 and 3 will be picked up today – Contents include saline, ringers lactate, ventilator tubing, 200k Binax rapid testing kits and PPE. These supplies will go to the Indian Red Cross Society and they will work with ASR charitable trust for distribution to the four states.
Plane 4, containing the same contents as planes 2 and 3, will be picked up on Thursday, July 1, 2021.
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