A few moments later, Frink’s step-father, Robert Ferriere, heard his wife scream, and turned to see Frink, pointing a gun at her, fire several shots at his wife, according to a Lebanon, NH Circuit Court affidavit.
Frink left the hospital room, where his mother had been recovering from an aneurysm, passing his step father without a word as he put his gun into the bag he’d carried into the hospital.
Pamela’s nurse said she’d been caring for the woman for two weeks. She reported seeing Frink come into the room carrying a small duffle bag. She said she turned and saw him holding a black handgun with both hands, pointed at Pamela. The nurse ran from the room, hid behind hospital equipment, then heard two gunshots.
Pamela was due to be released from the hospital Friday.
At 5:20 p.m., two New Hampshire State Police officers spoke with and arrested Frink, who admitted to planning his drive from Rhode Island to the hospital to shoot kill his mother, firing several shots at her. The officers arrested him, charging him with one count of first-degree murder.
Frink pleaded not guilty to the charge on Sept. 13 in Grafton County Superior Court in North Haverhill, N.H., according to a report from the Boston Herald, which photographed Frink’s court appearance.
He was ordered held without bail Sept. 13. State v. Frink - Complaint and Affidavit 9-12-2017 State v Travis Frink 215-2017-CR-408 Bail Order
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