A motorist swerving across West Shore Road got out of her vehicle when stopped by Warwick Police May 4 at 1:21 a.m., putting her hands up in the air until an officer told her to get back in the car.
Officer Evan Brent reported the driver, later identified as Jeanne Kelly, 56, of 103 Hollis Ave., Apt. 78, Warwick, had caught his attention when he noticed the 2000 Hyundai Elantra she was driving north on West Shore Road was missing a headlight.
As Brent began following her, he said in his report, he observed her swerving, first across the road’s center lines, then with both passenger tires crossing into the breakdown lane. He pulled her over in the area of 2435 West Shore Road, near Hollis Avenue.
After Kelly returned to the driver’s seat, Brent said, he approached her and advised her of the reason for the stop, observing that she had bloodshot, watery eyes and appeared confused. She consented to a series of sobriety tests, telling Brent she would probably fail, according to his report. When Brent asked her why, Kelly refused to answer and swayed slightly from side to side, he wrote.
Kelly showed a lack of smooth pursuit in her vision, claiming to see Brent’s finger, held far to his right, although she was looking straight ahead. She also broke heel-to-toe contact during a walk and turn and put her foot down several times during the one-leg stand, according to the report.
Brent arrested Kelly, charging her with driving under the influence of alcohol. She was transported to Warwick Police Headquarters at 99 Veterans Memorial Parkway, where she refused to submit to a chemical test.
At the station, Kelly was also issued citations for refusing to submit to a chemical test, failing to follow laned roadway markings, and improper display of lights. At 5:34 a.m., she was transported to Kent County Memorial Hospital for detox.
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