The Council approved second passage on each measure unanimously in two separate votes, allowing the applicant, AR Building Company, Inc., to proceed with the development.
“The comprehensive plan change concerned an edit of Chapter 12, Map 12.1 entitled “Future Land Use Map” (FLUM), amended by changing the intended use classification of Assessor’s Plat 278, Lots 30-42, 103-114, and 25 144-147 from “Technology-Light Industry” to “Mixed Use” to allow for the development of a 200- unit residential multi-family on lot 145,” according to Council meeting documents.
“The Zoning Map and the Record Book of Lot Classifications which are a part of the 19 Zoning Ordinances of the City of Warwick are hereby amended by changing the classification of 20 the following described premises from a mix of General Industrial (GI), A-7, and A-7 PDR to 21 Gateway (G) for the purpose of constructing a two hundred (200) unit residential multi-family: 22 23 Assessor’s Plat 278, Assessor’s Lots 30-42, 103-114 and 144-147 as said plats appeared in 24 the Tax Assessor’s office on December 31, 2021 are hereby changed from a mix of General 25 Industrial (GI), A-7, and A-7 PDR to Gateway (G). The lots are set forth in the legal 26 description and on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A,” according to Council meeting documents.
In other news, the council welcomed Natalia Fedan from Lviv, Ukraine, and her family to the city after fleeing the war in Ukraine.
“She has left the Ukraine after living there her whole life and is now living with her daughter in Warwick. Before moving here Natalia had never been to the United States,” said Council President Steven McAllister.
The council also flew a Ukraine flag in the chambers as they welcomed Fedan to Warwick.
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