WARWICK, RI — At the Feb. 21 Warwick City Council, councillors approved the minutes from the Jan. 17, Jan. 22 and Jan. 30 meetings, as well as several bids and abatements, copies of which are embedded below:
PCR-30-18 Bids 2-21-2018 R-18-20 signed PCR-36-18 Sub A Bid 2018-241 Workers Comp 3rd Party Admin R-18-21 signed PCR-37-18 Bid 2018-247 Neptune Cold Water Meters R-18-22 signed PCR-24-18 Sub A Bid 2018-194 Advertising & Desing Services R-18-26 signed PCR-22-18 Bid 2017-168 Floor Mats, Dry & Wet Mop Rentals R-18-25 signed PCR-21-18 Abatements 2-5-2018 R-18-24 signed PCR-3-18 Abatements 1-3-2018 R-18-23 signed 1-30-18 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED 1-22-18 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES APPROVED 1-17-2018 Council Docket (Amended) APPROVED Minutes
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