WARWICK, RI — A number of unfinished business items are on the docket for Monday night’s Warwick City Council meeting, including sprinklers for the Cooper Building, protecting private property near Rocky Point, and a supplementary appropriation to the Warwick School Department in 2019.
The Rocky Point legislation, PCO-3-18 Rocky Point – Ordinance to Protect the Rights of Private Property Owners, has not been drafted.
The measure for the Cooper Building sprinklers would award a $15,000 bid on the work to AAA Sprinkler 25 Macklin St. Cranston, RI 02920. The building is the site of a new teen center for the City.
Warwick Public Schools had sought an $8 million increase to its budget in 2019, but the Warwick City Council approved an additional $1.5 million during budget hearings this summer. City Councilors noted at the time the School Department’s request was beyond the city’s legal limit on raising taxes.
Since then, the School Department requested adding $6 million to their budget, as outlined in the resolution PCR-127-18, submitted by Council President Steve Merolla.
The department has since adjusted their request for additional funding to about $4 million based on a recent audit, about $2.5 million less than their original ask, said Councilman Jeremy Rix. He said the City is conducting its own audit, and it is unclear whether the School Department will proceed with a budget presentation to the Council Monday night.
The Warwick City Council will meet at City Hall, 3275 Post Road, at 7 p.m. 09-17-2018 Regular Public Hearing Docket Amended PCR-127-18 Supplemental appropriation for Schools
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