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Blizzard Brings Deep Snow, School’s Out Friday in Warwick

[CREDIT: NWS] The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning, with State Police urging people to stay off the roads Thursday.
[CREDIT: NWS] The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning, with State Police urged people to stay off the roads Thursday. The storm was upgraded to a blizzard.
WARWICK, RI — The National Weather Service reports Warwick received just under 12 inches of snow during Thursday’s blizzard, which began letting up about 6 p.m. in Kent County, but not before causing multiple crashes and more than 100 skids off-road across Rhode Island, and closing out schools and services for the week.

Rhode Island State Police investigated 16 accidents and assisted 156 motorists – many of whom skidded off slippery roads – between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. today. No injuries were reported. They also handled 194 calls for service and assisted in 24 tows during the day, according to RI State Police.

By 5 p.m., all lanes of Interstate 95 were open to travel. Earlier in the day, southbound lanes had been closed at various points  after tractor-trailer trucks became stuck or slid on the snow and ice, blocking travel.

Road conditions were reportedly improving, but snow and ice continued to create dangerous conditions for travel, especially on secondary roads as the storm moved on.

Warwick Public Schools, which shut down for the day’s storm, remain closed this morning, along with the following additional closures and delays:

Warwick Public Schools: Closed Tomorrow/No PM Activities

Kent YMCA School’s Out-Warwick: Closed

Johnson and Wales Univ: Friday Essential Personnel Only//Some activities canceled

West Bay Collaborative: Closed Today

Sargent Rehabilitation Center: Closed Today

Bishop Hendricken HS: Closed Today

St Peter School: Closed Today

Boys and Girls Club – Warwick: Closed Today; all activities -incl. b-ball

Busy B’s Academy: Delayed 2 hours; Opening at 9am Friday

Buttonwoods School: Closed Today

C.H.I.L.D. Inc.: Closed Today

Creative Minds Early Lrn Ctr.: Closed Today; Friday

Greenwood Montessori School: Closed Today

Imagine Preschool: Closed Today

Kent YMCA School’s Out-Warwick: Closed Today

Kent YMCA-AM Y’s Owl: Closed Today

Kent YMCA-PM Y’s Owl: Closed Today

Liddle Tots II Teen: Closed Today

Lighthouse Preschool: Closed Today

Lit’l Red Hen Preschool-KG: Closed Today; 2/10/17

Magic Years Child Care: Delayed ; 2 hours – opening at 8:30 AM

Precious Years Child Care: Delayed ; 2 hours – opening at 8:30 AM

The Learning Garden: Delayed 1 hour; Opening at 8:00 a.m.

YMCA Kent County: Will open at 9 a.m. Friday

Warwick Pilgrim Senior Center: Closed Today; No Transwick Bus Service

St Gregory the Great-Warwick: No 8:30am Service. Offices Closed;

St Rose & St Clement: NO 7am Mass; Office will open at 9 AM


Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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