WARWICK – Mayor Scott Avedisian announced he’s hosting the inaugural “Mayor for a Day” contest in the City of Warwick. The contest, open to all 8th grade students in the City, to celebrate his 18th year in office.
The contest challenges students to write about what they feel makes Warwick a great place to live and visit. They must also submit ideas within the essay about their hopes for the future of the City, using no more than 500 words.
The essay winner, as well as two runner-ups, will be announced on April 23. The three students will be invited to join Mayor Avedisian as his guests at the first Food Trucks Night of the season, slated for Thursday, May 3 at City Hall. The overall winner of the contest will be Mayor for the Day on Friday, May 4.
For more information about the contest, students are encouraged to speak to their principals, assistant principals and English teachers.
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