Classes continued at the school without incident, Mayor Scott Avedisian said Thursday.
“There were a number of absences but that is expected after such an event. The house of the student in question was also cleaned and disinfected,” Avedisian said.
According to the RI Department of Health, bed bugs are insects that feed on blood and can survive months without feeding. Their bites are often itchy, and sometimes painful.
Bed bugs are a growing problem everywhere. By spraying for insects less often, and using less dangerous chemicals when we do spray, our homes are safer for our families but also less toxic for bed bugs.
Bed bugs are hitchhikers. They travel by hiding in luggage, clothing, beds or furniture. This can make bed bugs a special problem for hotels, apartments, and when using second-hand furniture. Once bed bugs are introduced, they spread from room to room throughout a building.
The Health Department listed the following indications that there is a bed bug problem in that room:
- Raised red bites on one or more family members;
- Live bed bugs
- Small red pellets or rusty spots on sheets
- Tiny eggs in cracks or crevices near the bed
- Skin or casings shed by bed bugs
- Musty smell
If you have bedbugs:
It is best to hire a professional pest control firm. They will carefully inspect all places where bed bugs may hide and use an approved insect spray in cracks and other hiding places. Do not use any insecticide on a mattress unless the label specifically discusses application to a mattress. Most household sprays are not suitable for application to mattresses. Any infected items like mattresses or upholstered furniture must be thrown out or treated. Treatments must be very thorough or bed bugs will soon be back. Methods to control bedbugs populations include:
- Heat and/or cold treatments, for the whole house or a single room;
- Steaming or using special vacuums on mattresses, beds and other surfaces;
- Closing off electrical boxes and other hiding places with a silicone-based sealant.
For more information on bedbugs, visit the RI Department of Health website.
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