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What to Know About Warwick Public School Summer Assignments for Grades K to 3

Part of the grade 1 math packet from the Warwick School Department. CREDIT: Warwick Public Schools website
Part of the grade 1 math packet from the Warwick School Department. CREDIT: Warwick Public Schools website

Warwick, RI — With just a little more than three weeks before the scheduled start of school on Aug. 27 in Warwick, it’s time to make sure the kids are ready to roll.

All students in grades 1 through 12 have summer assignments in reading and math to complete before the first day — here’s how to find the information on summer assignments for grades K through 3 in Warwick:


Kindergarten students have a readiness checklist to complete. Check with your child’s school for more information.

Students going into grade 1 are required to read [or listen to someone read] one fiction and one nonfiction book, and complete two reading activities [worksheet here], which count as two extra credit homework grades and go toward first-quarter incentives.

Incoming 2nd graders also have one fiction and one nonfiction book to read, plus the assignment to complete the reading activities [find activity worksheet here].

The rules are basically the same with the 3rd grade assignment [worksheet here]. It’s a graphic organizer with boxes to complete an evidence-based response.

Important requirements: Books must be approved by parent/guardian, meet the student’s reading level, and be a new book that the student has not read before. There is no mandatory book title list for summer reading.

Stop and read that again: No mandatory book title list.

For a list of recommended books [and ways to find more when they’re checked out, um…] check out the Summer Reading list for grades 1 and 2 created by the Warwick Public Library. The library also offers a Summer reading list for grades 3 through 6.

Use the Ocean State Libraries online catalog to search and reserve titles.

Warwick hosts four library branches where pick-up is available and you can sign the kids up for a library card, passport to a million lands. Schedules vary.


These assignments are required by Sept. 12, according to a superintendent’s letter on summer assignments for first and second grade.

Incoming first graders have a 15-page worksheet packet [find .pdf here] that includes 11 pages of exercises and four of a kid-friendly graphic glossary. Basic math here, if 5 + 4 = 9, so does 4 + 5.

Second and third graders have a BINGO-based games that require a download for instructions. [The memo and direct link to the download are here, relax.]


Where’s your kid going to school? Here’s how to check open and close times for Warwick Schools.

Need to reach someone in the Warwick School Department? Find the phone numbers here.

Joe Hutnak -
Author: Joe Hutnak -

Co-Founder and Editor-at-Large of Warwick Post. For Warwick Post-related inquiries or communications, email

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