WARWICK, RI — The Warwick Weekend boasts a City Park concert Saturday and peak Perseid Meteor Showers throughout, with weather and celestial conditions at unfortunate odds during the peak Saturday into Sunday morning, but there are ample Perseids on clear nights.
It’s also the last weekend for the interactive Dinosaurs Among Us, running till Sunday at Roger Williams Park Zoo. The immersive walk-through, touching encouraged tour revisits prehistoric wonder, with sky-scraping specimens including brontosauruses, diplodocuses, Allosauruses and T-Rexes. Come face-to-face with nearly 60 life-size animatronic and interactive dinosaurs, during this one-of-a-kind experience. The tour ends with a dino-themed park where kids can ride dino-themed rides, including walking animatronic Triceratops and a electric kid-sized, dino-themed ATVs.
The weather forecast for this weekend does call for rain, but not on Saturday when the City Park Concert is scheduled, nor in the evening Sunday into Monday morning, when night owls by inclination and ambition will have their best view of the most meteors.
Fortunately, most Rhode Island beaches still have a clean bill of health from the RI Department of Health. Some beaches remain closed to swimming as we enter the weekend, however. Keep an eye on the health department’s monitoring as you plan.
Do you have a community, non-profit or fundraising event you’d like to see included in an upcoming Warwick Weekend? FIRST, enter it into our self-serve calendar, THEN, alert editor@warwickpost.wpengine.com.
Warwick Weekend Friday:
Perseid Meteor Showers The Perseid Meteor Showers peak in the night sky this weekend, with hundreds of meteors, or shooting stars, visible. Friday night into Saturday morning will be the best shot for many people, since Saturday night into Sunday morning will be cloudy and rainy, and Sunday night into Monday morning will probably leave you grumpy at work.
- The best viewing time is usually just after midnight, and lasts till about 4 a.m.
- Get as far away from city and town lights as possible.
- Bring a blanket and something to prop your head up as you watch for meteors.
Goddard Park Farmer’s Market Every Friday through Columbus Day Weekend, RI Grown, DEM’s farmer’s market program, hosts farmer’s market at Goddard Park selling delicious and freshly-harvested local foods direct from the farm to your dinner table.
Roger Williams Food Truck Fridays The Carousel campus at Roger Wiliams Park Zoo has a lot of open space and rolling hills shaded by trees, the perfect spot to grab dinner from a food truck and listen to music and entertainment during the park’s Food Truck Fridays event. If you miss this one, don’t worry. They’re going on every Friday till the fall.
Bring your own Improv This interactive improv show at the Warwick Center for the Arts welcomes voluntary audience participation! You can participate in one of three ways: applaud for a scene you like, yell out fantastic suggestions, or if you feel you’re ready, jump up and get involved with us on stage.
Last weekend: Dinosaurs Among Us, Roger Williams Park Zoo Dinosaurs are roaring to life at Roger Williams Park Zoo, daily from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. Adventure awaits at the Zoo’s newest special attraction, Dinosaurs Among Us, running April 7th through August 13th. This immersive walk-through will take you back in time to a world of prehistoric wonder. Come face-to-face with nearly 60 life-size animatronic and interactive dinosaurs, during this one-of-a-kind experience.
Warwick Weekend Saturday:
City Park Summer Concert Visit Warwick City Park, 185 Asylum Road, for a fun and food truck-filled day. Food trucks will be ready to serve at 11 a.m. Gary Hopp and Friends Music will be playing from noon-3 p.m. Family friendly games and bounce houses will also be available. The event will be held in the shaded area around the shelter near the softball fields.
Warwick PAL Car Wash Warwick Pals Cheerleading & Football car wash! Come show your support & get your car washed for $7 at Warwick Public Works, 925 Sandy Lane, from 9 a.m. till 12 p.m.
Back to School Supply Drive On Saturday and Sunday, visit the Warwick Mall, Walmart on Post Road & Rte. 2 and Target on Rte. 2 from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. for a back to school supply drive hosted by the Warwick Police Department. The WPD will be accepting your donations of school supplies and backpacks for the start of school.
Constructing Prisms Exhibit, WCFA [Warwick Center for the Arts, 3259 Post Road,Saturday hours: 11-3] Images and structures are global witnesses to our changing personal and social histories. They inform who we are, how we see the world, and reveal personal truths. In this exhibit, artists convey ideas of transformation and the processing of personal and social landscapes evident in such mediums as sculpture and installation work, printed/transferred photographs, digital and drone photography, and analog and alternative process photography.
Last weekend: Dinosaurs Among Us, Roger Williams Park Zoo Dinosaurs are roaring to life at Roger Williams Park Zoo, daily from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. Adventure awaits at the Zoo’s newest special attraction, Dinosaurs Among Us, running April 7th through August 13th. This immersive walk-through will take you back in time to a world of prehistoric wonder. Come face-to-face with nearly 60 life-size animatronic and interactive dinosaurs, during this one-of-a-kind experience.
Perseid Meteor Showers [Likely rained and clouded out] The Perseid Meteor Showers peak in the night sky tonight into early morning Sunday, with hundreds of meteors, or shooting stars, visible. Unfortunately the forecast is cloudy and rainy. If you find yourself under a clearer sky, be sure to step outside around midnight for an hour or so.
- The best viewing time is usually just after midnight, and lasts till about 4 a.m.
- Get as far away from city and town lights as possible.
- Bring a blanket and something to prop your head up as you watch for meteors.
Warwick Weekend Sunday:
Last day: Dinosaurs Among Us, Roger Williams Park Zoo Dinosaurs are roaring to life at Roger Williams Park Zoo, daily from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. Adventure awaits at the Zoo’s newest special attraction, Dinosaurs Among Us, running April 7th through August 13th. This immersive walk-through will take you back in time to a world of prehistoric wonder. Come face-to-face with nearly 60 life-size animatronic and interactive dinosaurs, during this one-of-a-kind experience.
WNE Kinder Meetup Meet up at John C. DelGiudice Memorial Park 165 Priscilla Ave, Warwick, 10 a.m. till 12 p.m., for a meetup for incoming kinders and siblings. Free meetup activities include swings, hide and seek, catch and jump rope.
Perseid Meteor Showers The Perseid Meteor Showers peak in the night sky this weekend, with hundreds of meteors, or shooting stars, visible. Friday night into Saturday morning will be the best shot for many people, since Saturday night into Sunday morning will be cloudy and rainy, and Sunday night into Monday morning will probably leave you grumpy at work.
- The best viewing time is usually just after midnight, and lasts till about 4 a.m.
- Get as far away from city and town lights as possible.
- Bring a blanket and something to prop your head up as you watch for meteors.
Perseid Meteor Showers The Perseid Meteor Showers peak in the night sky this weekend, with hundreds of meteors, or shooting stars, visible. Last night, weather conditions were not ideal for this show, so if you don’t have Monday morning obligations, you may be able to get a glimpse of the show just post-peak. The meteors will remain visible throughout August, albeit less intense.
- The best viewing time is usually just after midnight, and lasts till about 4 a.m.
- Get as far away from city and town lights as possible.
- Bring a blanket and something to prop your head up as you watch for meteors.
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