Darlene Netcoh, President of the Warwick Teachers’ Union (WTU), announced the picket Wednesday, Sept. 6, the latest in a recurring series of protests of the lingering contract impasse. The teachers’ last contract with the Warwick School Department expired in 2015.
“The Mayor needs to get the school committee back to the table to negotiate and needs to use his influence with the superintendent and the school committee to get them to resolve this conflict. This is the third year without a
successor collective bargaining agreement (CBA), and the mayor, superintendent, and school committee must realize that this year will not business as usual,” Netcoh said.
“The superintendent and school committee have continually violated this agreement between the parties and have spent an
outrageous amount of money on an outside law firm. This money could have been spent on the children of the Warwick school system,” she added.
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