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Warwick Schools: No Vehicle Shortage, Bus Routes Announced

[CREDIT: Warwick School Transportation Department]
Warwick school bus routes are now available online.
WARWICK, RI — Ahead of the Sept. 5 start of school, the Warwick school department this week published its list of bus routes, with Supt. Lynn Dambruch saying the district has enough vehicles to handle student transportation.

“First Student reported to us that they can meet our district’s needs for transportation,” including 57 large buses, 36 small buses and three minivans, Dambruch wrote in an email. “This increases our large buses by three and our small buses by two  over last school year,” when school officials contended with a shortage of drivers.

Dambruch also noted that the district will still be using “some” bus depots, or central locations where nearby students are picked up and dropped off, and added that school officials “will check out the proposed depot stops with our safety officer.”

Last year, Warwick used five bus depots throughout the city as a cost-saving measure, leading to parental complaints about the distance and traffic that their children had to navigate.

Current school transportation policy sets a one-mile walking distance for kindergarten through fifth grade; two mi. for grades 6 through 8; and 2.25 mi. for high schoolers, meaning students within that limit are required to walk or get other transportation to school. The Warwick School Committee set the new limits in July, 2021.

Warwick school bus routes 2023-24

Click the following links to find bus routes for Warwick schools and transportation to Coventry, East Greenwich, and Ponaganset High Schools.

For more information, call (401) 734-3212 or visit the Warwick School Transportation Department website.

Elementary School Bus Schedules

Joe Hutnak -
Author: Joe Hutnak -

Co-Founder and Editor-at-Large of Warwick Post. For Warwick Post-related inquiries or communications, email

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