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Warwick Remembers on Memorial Day 2015

A man an boy walk along a flag-lined road inside Pawtuxet Memorial Park on Memorial Day.
A man an boy walk along a flag-lined road inside Pawtuxet Memorial Park on Memorial Day.

Warwick, RI – Memorial Day started with a parade and crowds, but it ended in the city’s cemeteries, with families, couples and lone visitors paying respect to passed loved ones.

Though the day is a holiday devoted to honoring and remembering servicemen and women who’ve died in service to the country, many spent the day caring for the graves of family regardless of service.

Here are some views from the day.

Lincoln Smith cares for the graves of his parents, Rev. Lincoln and Charlotte A. Irwin Smith in Pawtuxet Memorial Park.
Lincoln Smith cares for the graves of his parents, Rev. Lincoln and Charlotte A. Irwin Smith in Pawtuxet Memorial Park.
A row of  flags line either side of the road inside Pawtuxet Memorial Park .
A row of flags line either side of the road inside Pawtuxet Memorial Park .

Pawtuxet Memorial Park 4

Charles and Ellen Fitzpatrick tend to their own cemetery plots Memorial Day at Pawtuxet Memorial Park .
Charles and Ellen Fitzpatrick tend to their own cemetery plots Memorial Day at Pawtuxet Memorial Park .
Charles and Ellen Fitzpatrick tend to their own cemetery plots Memorial Day at Pawtuxet Memorial Park . "I belong right here," Ethel said.
Charles and Ellen Fitzpatrick tend to their own cemetery plots Memorial Day at Pawtuxet Memorial Park . “I belong right here,” Ethel said.
Dylan D'Antonio, 4, at Charles and Ellen Fitzpatrick tend to their own cemetery plots Memorial Day at Pawtuxet Memorial Park with his family, including his aunt, Amy Cariosi, there to pay respect to  passed family, including great-great grandfather William Morgan, who served in WWII.
Dylan D’Antonio, 4, at Charles and Ellen Fitzpatrick tend to their own cemetery plots Memorial Day at Pawtuxet Memorial Park with his family, including his aunt, Amy Cariosi, there to pay respect to passed family, including great-great grandfather William Morgan, who served in WWII.

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Hazel Paquin tends to the graves of her husband, William, who served in the National Guard in the US during Vietnam, and her fathter, Edgar, who served in the Coast Guard in WWII and mother, Hazel Mott.
Hazel Paquin tends to the graves of her husband, William, who served in the National Guard in the US during Vietnam, and her fathter, Edgar, who served in the Coast Guard in WWII and mother, Hazel Mott.

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Graves at Lincoln Park Cemetery at 1469 Post Road.
Graves at Lincoln Park Cemetery at 1469 Post Road.
A small memorial adorned with flags alongside Warwick Avenue near Bishop Hendricken High School.
A small memorial adorned with flags alongside Warwick Avenue near Bishop Hendricken High School.
Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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