WARWICK, RI — Warwick police log arrests May 1 – 31 included charges for DUI, Felony assault, simple assault, shoplifting, domestic violence, larceny and illegal drug possession.
Warwick Police made 150 arrests in May 2023.
Below are the basic details of specific arrests, followed by the numbers of arrests for each charge. A full account of individuals arrested and dates of arrest for charges are available in the Warwick Police arrest log.
Felony assault:
On May 5, 2023, at 8:54 a.m., Warwick Police arrested William J. Blair, 40, of 77 Wild Flower Road, Wawrick, RI, charging him with Felony Assault/Battery, Threat to a Public Official, Eluding Law Enforcement Vehicle in a High-Speed Pursuit – Second offense, Domestic Violence – Disorderly Conduct – First Offense, Reckless Driving and Other Offenses Against Public Safety, and Resisting Arrest.
He was arraigned in Third District Court June 13, and pleaded no contest to the assault. The other charges were dismissed. Blair was sentenced to five years in prison, with one year to serve, five years probation and one year of mental health counseling.
May 2023 Warwick Police arrests by charge:
DUI: 22
Shoplifting: 9
Larceny: 1
Illegal Drug Possession: 3
Domestic violence: 29
Simple assault: 2
Felony assault: 1
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