“Considering that just two days ago we had a blizzard with the fourth highest snow amounts ever, the roads are in very decent shape. However we still need to drive very cautiously because there are many slick spots. Sidewalks are a disaster but it will be many days before the situation is better. Be very aware of pedestrians,” Mayor Frank Picozzi wrote on his Facebook page this morning.
Picozzi said the schools aided the city in clearing roads, and asked for people’s understanding as the schools focus on their own infrastructure.
“I want to give a big shoutout to all of our city workers. I’ve been driving around and I can tell you that our streets are in much better shape than surrounding communities and that’s amazing because we have a lot of new drivers that have never worked a storm like this. Thank you to Highway, sanitation, water department, sewer authority, building maintenance, the school department and all others that were called upon,” Picozzi wrote.
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