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Views to Air, Latin Flair This Week in Warwick

The Meeting premiers Jan. 28 at Ocean State Theatre.
The Meeting premiers Jan. 28 at Ocean State Theatre.

Warwick, RI — A couple of thought-provoking displays are on the calendar this week in Warwick, including an exhibit of local Latin-American art and a fictional conversation between two giants in the civil rights movement.

Can’t Miss:

‘The Meeting’ at OST:

What would have happened if Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X got together to discuss their views on civil rights?

That’s the question addressed by The Meeting, a production at Ocean State Theatre beginning with a preview on Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m.

Online tickets are $34/$44/$49, with a special $30 preview show price and $25 for rush tickets, as available one hour before curtain. Through Feb. 15.

Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015:

Latin-American art display at WMOA, 10 a.m.

Warwick Museum of Art in Apponaug opens its doors to 10 Rhode Island artists with Latin-American backgrounds starting Thursday.

Featured artists are: Carolina Arentsen, Nilton Cardenas, Maria Del Carmen Mercado, Tamara Diaz, Rebecca Flores, Ildefonso Franco, Francisco Hernandez,  Mayra Martinez, Julian Osorio, and Saul Ramos.

More than three dozen artworks are on display, and they’re all for sale.

Co-sponsored by Rhode Island State Council on the Arts. Free admission and free parking. Find out more at the WMOA Facebook page.

Mark your calendars:

Friday, Jan. 30, 2015:

Networking luncheon at Aldrich Mansion, 12 p.m.

The Central Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce is offering local business owners the chance to meet in the scenic confines of Aldrich Mansion for a LEADS Luncheon, including tasty eats in a casual atmosphere.

Member admission $10, nonmembers $25. Leads aren’t required, but be ready to give your elevator speech.

Joe Hutnak -
Author: Joe Hutnak -

Co-Founder and Editor-at-Large of Warwick Post. For Warwick Post-related inquiries or communications, email

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