Warwick, RI – Warwick’s Stephanie Van Patten has been named Chair of theBoys & Girls Clubs of Warwick 2015 annual campaign.
The long-time Warwick resident and member of the BGCW Board of Directors agreed to chair the campaign, she said, because she believes in helping kids.
In addition to her active BGCW Board participation, Stephanie also serves as Co-President of the Warwick Neck PTA and the Recording Secretary of the Warwick Council PTA. She is on the Edgewood Sailing School board and is a sustaining member of the Junior League of Rhode Island. Stephanie is owner of Quintessential Quahog, a craft and gift shop in Conimicut Village.
“I am excited and honored to have been selected as Chair of this year’s Great Futures Campaign. As a former “club kid” in Warwick, I know what it means to have a fun, safe place to go to after school and during the summer,” said Stephanie. “By supporting the Great Futures Campaign and encouraging others in the community to do so, I can help ensure the Boys & Girls Clubs of Warwick can continue to provide its wonderful programming to children today,” Van Patten said.
BGCW’s mission is to help youth of all backgrounds, with a special concern for those who most need their help to develop into responsible citizens and leaders.
Membership has been growing at a fast pace to where the Club now serves nearly 1,400 children annually, most of whom are from Kent County.
“I encourage everyone to make a tax-deductible contribution today. Your gift will have a meaningful and lasting impact on the life of a child by helping the Club maintain its high level of services.”
To make a donation to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Warwick and help them reach their $110,000 goal:
- Donate on-line: www.wbgclubs.org and click on Great Futures Campaign, ways to support
- Mail your check to BGCW, P.O. Box 8938, Warwick, RI 02888
- Call 401.467.4385 with your credit card information.
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