Looking for something to do this week in Warwick?
We’ve got a handy list of upcoming events in the city, including a car show to benefit the animal shelter, plus Patsy Cline at OST and a preview of what’s happening for Gaspee Days next weekend.
June 5, 2014:
Always… Patsy Cline, 7 p.m.
You’d be ‘Crazy’ to miss the newest production at Ocean State Theatre, Always… Patsy Cline, mounts its final preview show on June 5 before the official opening on June 6. Runs through June 22, except for Monday and Tuesday nights. Preview tickets $39, regular performance seats $39/$49/$54. Order tickets online at the Ocean State Theatre website.
June 6, 2014:
Improv Night, 7 and 9 p.m.:
Bring Your Own Improv’s weekly throw-down at Warwick Museum of Arts kicks off at 7 p.m. with Family-Friendly [PG-rated] improvisational performances and continuing at 9 p.m. with Adult-Themed [R-rated] acts. Audience participation is part of the show, so no two performances are the same.
Tickets are $7 for adults, $3 for kids under 13 and seniors. More information and tickets sales at bringyourownimprov.com
June 8, 2014:
Cause for Paws, 9 a.m.:
Cruisin’ Bruce Palmer spins the oldies for a car show and fundraiser to help Friends of the Warwick Animal Shelter, located at 171 Service Ave., off Jefferson Boulevard. Registration is $15 per car, awards in 28 categories. Visit Friends of the Warwick Animal Shelter on Facebook for more.
“Visual Rhythms,” the newest exhibit at Warwick Museum of Art, continues through June 14. Exploring the connections among art, music, and movement, the program features 50 works by 36 artists. Free to the public, parking available behind City Hall. Hours are Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Mark your calendar now:
Arguably the biggest summer event in Warwick, the annual Gaspee Days Weekend is scheduled for June 13 to 15. Dubbed “Rhode Island’s Original Waterfire,” the weekend event honors the 1772 burning of an English schooner by Colonial rebels, several months ahead of the Boston Tea Party.
Starting Friday night with a Colonial encampment and fireworks, followed by a special Waterfire in downtown Providence on Saturday night, and culminating with the symbolic burning of a model of the Gaspee on Sunday, the celebration also includes a 5K road race and a huge parade.
And if you just can’t wait to get into the Gaspee spirit, you can donate to the Paint the Stripe fund that helps the Gaspee Committee cover the cost of painting the red-white-and-blue lines along the parade route. The goal is $5,000; as of June 4, the fund stood at $855 — come on, folks! Help pain the town red, white, and blue.
Visit the Gaspee Day Committee website for full details.
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