SMITHFIELD, RI — On Thursday, March 30, RIDOT plans to shift travel lanes to the northern half of the George Washington Highway (Route 116) Bridge, between Harris Road and West Reservoir Road in Smithfield.
The bridge carries 13,000 vehicles per day over I-295.
The new traffic pattern will allow the Department to continue preservation work on the south side of the bridge. During construction, one lane of travel will remain open in each direction. Two more phases of traffic shifts are planned this year, with project completion expected in the fall.
The bridge is part of RIDOT’s ongoing $16.2 million rehabilitation work at 10 nearby bridges, which includes the George Washington Highway Bridge, and the Farnum Pike Bridge over I-295 in Smithfield. At each bridge, RIDOT is making steel and concrete repairs, repairing or replacing bridge joints and repaving.
All construction projects are subject to changes in schedule and scope depending on needs, circumstances, findings, and weather.
The Bridge Group 10 Bridge Preservation Project is made possible by RhodeWorks, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Improvement and Jobs Act. RIDOT is committed to bringing Rhode Island’s infrastructure into a state of good repair while respecting the environment and striving to improve it. Learn more at www.ridot.net/RhodeWorks.
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