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Thayer Arena Reopens June 29, Warwick Offers Sports Permits

Warwick City Hall
Warwick City Hall
Warwick City Hall.

WARWICK, RI — Mayor Joseph. J. Solomon has announced Thayer Arena reopens June 29, and that the city will start issuing permits for youth and adult sports on City fields.

“From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic I have stated that it is a rapidly developing situation, and guidelines have changed frequently. My top priority has always been ensuring the safety of everyone in Warwick, and I have been vigilant in balancing public access with public health. I know that sometimes it has been difficult for Warwick’s residents to adhere to the closings and restrictions we have implemented, but the health and safety of our community has been my foremost concern. As new guidelines are issued, I am constantly reassessing what City facilities and programs can safely reopen.”

In accordance with updated Phase II guidelines issued via ReopeningRI, Thayer Arena will open with the following safety precautions in place:

  •  Stable groups of no more than 15 skaters. “Stable groups” means that the same individuals will remain in the same groups throughout the course of the program. This includes participants, staff, and any team leaders. Parents and spectators will not be permitted inside the building.
  • One stable group must exit the building prior to another group entering. To ensure cleaning and sanitizing of the facility between groups, the rink will be shut down for 30 minutes after each group leaves.
  • Until state guidelines indicate that it is deemed safe to accommodate out of state participants, no use by out of state participants will be allowed.
  • Thayer Arena will be available by scheduled groups only; no public skating options will be offered at this time.
  • All groups renting ice must provide a COVID-19 compliance plan, as well as documentation that they will be maintaining stable groups of participants.
  • Coaches must wear face masks or cloth face coverings.

The facility will be open for practice only; it will not be open for games until state guidelines indicate it is safe to do so.

Youth, adult sports permits offered

Solomon also announced that youth and adult sports organizations may begin resuming limited activities in accordance with ReopeningRI Phase II guidelines. The Warwick Parks and Recreation Department will begin accepting applications for field using immediately. However, as with Thayer Arena, safety precautions are in place, including:

  •  Stable groups: youth organizations are required, and adult organizations are strongly encouraged, to organize participants into stable groups of a maximum of 15 people.
  • Physically distancing is strongly encouraged, and each stable group is required to maintain a minimum of 14 feet between their group and any other groups.
  • Additional screening and cleaning measures must be in place.

 “Warwick is building its reputation as a destination for sporting events, and I am committed to continue improving our athletic facilities,” said Solomon. “While we are not yet ready for things to return to ‘normal’ operations, I am glad that our athletes can get back out on the fields and begin safely practicing together.”

 All organizations should adhere to the Reopening RI General Business/Organization Guidelines and the RIDOH emergency regulations. The full ReopeningRI guidelines for youth sports organizations are online here, and adult sports guidelines are online here.


Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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