Warwick Sex Offender Pleads Guilty to Failing to Register
By: Rob Borkowski on November 20, 2019 in Police, Police News & Fire News in RI
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Milton Ordenana, 49, of Warwick, pleaded guilty in federal court in Providence Tuesday to violating the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA). Ordenana failed to register […]
RSOL: Deweldon Unfairly Displaced, Sex Offenders Harder to Monitor
By: Rob Borkowski on October 25, 2015 in All Politics Are Local
Numerous other registrants across Rhode Island, those that have stayed in their homes up to this point, will in a few days face either arrest or homelessness. The ACLU is fighting this.
Warwick Sex Offender’s Travel Cited as Residency Restriction Critics Rally
By: Rob Borkowski on October 21, 2015 in Police, Police News & Fire News in RI
RIACLU Executive Director Steven Brown says the state’s new 300/1,000 foot law requiring Level III sex offenders to move if they live within 1,000 feet of a school contributed to Byron Deweldon’s unregistered cross-country travels, but Warwick Police Chief Stephen McCartney attributes it to poor judgment.