Superior Court Overturns ‘Unfair Labor Practice’ Ruling Against Warwick School Committee

By: Rob Borkowski on February 6, 2017 in Schools

PROVIDENCE, RI — On Thursday, RI Superior Court Judge Bennett R. Gallo overturned the State Labor Relation Board’s order that the Warwick School Committee must honor the expired Teachers Union (WTI) contract, stating the decision was issued with no opportunity for the elected body to argue it, and that the ruling of unfair labor practices against the body was unfounded.

RI Supreme Court Sends Gonzalez’s 2012 Murder Conviction to Retrial

By: Rob Borkowski on March 30, 2016 in Police, Police News & Fire News in RI, Uncategorized

The State Supreme Court overturned Tony Gonzalez’s 2012 conviction in the murder of Carl Cunningham Jr. Tuesday, citing the Warwick Police Department’s failure to obtain an arrest warrant and ruling they didn’t have consent to enter the man’s home while arresting him and collecting evidence, sending the case back to Superior Court for a new trial.