Pet Potential: Tippy and Max, Brothers for a Chihuahua Lover

Tippy and Max are brothers that were surrendered when their owner could no longer care for them, they are 3-years-old and 4-years-old (same parents, different litters).
Tippy and Max are brothers that were surrendered when their owner could no longer care for them, they are 3-years-old and 4-years-old (same parents, different litters).
Warwick Post reached out to the Warwick Animal Shelter to see if they had any potential pets they’d like to tell our readers about. Here’s some information on this week’s featured guest at the shelter, Thorn:
You can meet some eligible canines seeking homes Friday morning at Raymour & Flanigan’s quarterly real estate mixer, and help the East Greenwich Animal Protection League find a permanent home while you’re at it.