Whitehouse Delivers Gaspee Speech on U.S. Senate Floor
By: Joe Hutnak - editorjoe.warwick@gmail.com on June 10, 2015 in All Politics Are Local, News to You
Washington, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI] continued his annual tradition of recounting the burning of the HMS Gaspee on Tuesday, June 9, the eighth year he has taken to the floor of the Senate to commemorate the Colonial uprising against the British.
Your Guide to Gaspee Days 2015
By: Joe Hutnak - editorjoe.warwick@gmail.com on in Business, News to You
Warwick, RI — Why wait until July 4 to show your patriotic pride, when you can get into the Colonial spirit at Gaspee Days in Pawtuxet this weekend? Called “The […]