Two Reps Ousted By Thin Primary Turnout; Vella-Wilkinson Celebrates Dist. 21 Nomination
By: Rob Borkowski on September 14, 2016 in Election 2016, News to You
A meager showing of state primary voters has ousted incumbents Dist. 30 Senator William Walaska and Dist. 21 State Rep. Eileen Naughton, the latter in favor of an ebullient Camille Vella Wilkinson, the current City Councilor for Dist. 3.
Morning Polling Steady, Voters Break in New Ballots
By: Rob Borkowski on September 13, 2016 in Election 2016, News to You
At the polling place at Heritage Christian Fellowship Church on Warwick Neck Avenue polling officials said turn out had been steady up to 11 a.m.