Officer David Gaulin reported that when he arrived in the area near Dave’s Marketplace, the pickup, reportedly “all over the road,” was no longer in the immediate area. He saw WPD Sgt. Walter Larson’s cruiser activate its lights and heard its siren as it turned on to Hollis Avenue, and saw it was following a black pickup, according to Gaulin’s report.
Gaulin saw the pickup accelerate in the left hand lane on Hollis Avenue in an apparent attempt to elude Larson, but it ultimately stopped at 123 Hollis Ave., and Larson ordered the driver to step out, according to the report.
The officers identified the driver as Harry Grundy, 30, of 20 Oak St., Apt. 4, North Providence. He appeared unsteady on his feet, his breath smelled of alcohol, his eyes were bloodshot and his speech was slurred, Gaulin reported.
Grundy agreed to sobriety tests, during which he demonstrated a lack of smooth pursuit and involuntary movement in his vision, missed heel-to-toe steps and made an improper turn during a walk-and-turn, and swayed and put his foot down during a one-leg stand test.
According to Larson’s report, Grundy said he was on Hollis Avenue because he was lost and his GPS had directed him that way, toward his next job site. Larson also reported an odor of alcohol coming from Grundy.
Gaulin arrested Grundy on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, and transported him to Warwick Police Headquarters, 99 Veterans Memorial Drive, where he was processed and registered a .211 and .212 on successive breath tests of his blood alcohol levels.
Gaulin charged Grundy with DUI, blood alcohol greater than .15, and cited him for driving an unregistered vehicle, for failing to use a turn signal, for using a mobile phone while driving, improper turn at an intersection and leaving the lane of travel.
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