WARWICK, RI — Tonight’s Warwick City Council meeting features second passage of a six-month solar moratorium unanimously passed at last month’s meeting, and commissions on tax relief and city employee health insurance.
The Warwick City Council voted unanimously on first passage for a six month solar moratorium on solar power installations in the city on the advice of Warwick City Solicitor Bill Walsh.
The moratorium, suggested during an earlier workshop on solar regulations in the city, must make a second passage tonight, after which the moratorium will need to be noticed in local papers before it is considered to be in legal effect, said Walsh.
Also during tonight’s meeting, the Council will discuss creating a commission to study the landscape of health care benefits offered in comparison to future benefits.
Another, existing tax relief commission, may be extended during tonight’s meeting. The commission to review ways to provide tax relief to the property owners in the city needs more time due to progress lost last year during the pandemic.
The full agenda and documents for the meeting are embedded at the following links:
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