The meeting begins with a closed session to discuss personnel matters including reorganization of the special education administrative office, a classified employee termination hearing. The executive session will also review security including deployment of
security personnel, devices and plans, and a student discipline hearing.
The meeting will also review the donation of a Alienware Gaming packages valued at $11,595.84 and a $5,000 Intel® cash grant for
Warwick Neck School. Next, the School Committee will consider adopting the following policies:
1. JRAAB-Student Surveys, 1st Reading
2. JHB-Accommodating Students With Seizure Disorders or Epilepsy, 2nd Reading
3. JRAA-Student Data Privacy & Security, 2nd Reading
The full agenda has been embedded below. A link to all the documents for the meeting is also provided. 00 Agenda-November 9, 2022 (1)
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