RIDOT has announced the following road and lane closures effective for the week of Nov. 2-8:
All schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change. Visit RIDOT’s Travel Advisories website for a full listing of statewide lane closures.
Interstate Highway Restrictions
I-295/Rte. 6 Bridge Rehabilitation (Johnston)
* Closure of the southbound through lanes. Through traffic will utilize the new bridges on the service road.
* Access will be maintained for ramps to Rte. 6 West to Hartford, Conn. (Exit 9C) and Rte. 6 East to Providence (Exit 9A).
* The on-ramp from Hartford Ave./Rte. 6A West to I-295 South will remain closed.
Rte. 6 and Rte. 6A (Hartford Ave.)
* Lane closed on the ramp from Rte. 6 West to I-295 North.
* Lane closures possible on both Rte. 6 and Rte. 6A at the I-295 overpasses.
* On-ramp closed from Rte. 6A West to I-295 South. Left turns permitted for nearby on-ramp normally used by Rte. 6A East traffic.
Cranston: I-295 North, from the Phenix Ave. overpass to the Scituate Ave. overpass, left lane closed for paving, Sat., 5 a.m.-1 p.m.
Other Limited Access
6/10 Interchange Project
Motorists can expect the following changes:
Rte. 6
* Rte. 6 East, all traffic shifted onto the existing Rte. 6 West roadway just after the Hartford Ave. exit. Lanes are narrow.
* The Broadway off ramp is closed.
Rte. 10
* Rte. 10 North, from Union Ave. to the Tobey St. overpass, lane shift in place for through traffic and the Westminster St. off-ramp.
6/10 Connector
* On Connector outbound a new lane split is in place for Rte. 10 South and Route 6 West, one-half mile before its original location. Lanes are narrow.
Affected City Streets
* Traffic from the Tobey St./Harris Ave. on-ramp does not have direct access to Rte. 10 South. Follow detour signs.
* Traffic shifted on the Broadway and Westminster St. bridges over the highway.
* Periodic one-lane closures possible along Rte. 10 and Rte. 6 on off-peak hours Monday-Friday.
Lincoln: Rte. 146 North, from Cobble Hill Rd. overpass to Breakneck Hill Rd., left lane closed for electrical work, Sat., 7 a.m.-2 p.m.
Metropolitan Providence
Extended Lane Closures
Providence: The left and right lanes are closed for bridge demolition on Providence Place and Promenade St., at their intersection with Park Place and the rear entrance to Providence Place Mall, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
East Providence: North Broadway, from Wilmarth Ave. to Dewey Ave., lanes narrowed for construction, Sat., 24 hours.
Newport County
Middletown: Alternating lane closures along Rte. 138A, Purgatory Rd. and Crescent Rd. for striping, Sun., 7 a.m.-5 p.m.
Little Compton: Rte. 77, from Meetinghouse Rd. to Peckham Rd., alternating one-way traffic for drainage work, Mon.-Tues., 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Northern RI & Blackstone
Temporary Road Closure
Cumberland: Leigh Rd. will be closed during bridge demolition at I-295, Sun;-Thurs. nights, 8 p.m.-6 a.m. Follow signed detour.
Cumberland: Rte. 114, from Industrial Rd. to the Bear Hill Rd. and Angell Rd. intersection, alternating lane closures for construction, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-3 p.m.
Smithfield: Rte. 5, from Tunmore Rd. to Rte. 116, partial lane closures for construction, Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Smithfield: Capron Rd., from Stillwater Rd. to Kane Rd., alternating lane closures for a bridge inspection, Wed., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
South County
Charlestown: Rte. 216, from Rte. 1 to Klondike Rd., partial right lane closure for shoulder work, Mon.-Tues., 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
East Greenwich: Shippeetown Rd. West, over I-95, right shoulder closed for bridge work, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-3 p.m.
North Kingstown: Lafayette Rd., from Ten Rod Rd. to Hatchery Rd. overpass, alternating lane closures for a bridge inspection, Tues., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Richmond: Rte. 138, at the Kingston Rd. Bridge, lanes shifted for electrical and drainage work , Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
South Kingstown: Rte. 138, at the Kingston Station Bridge, alternating lane closures for a bridge inspection, Mon., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
South Kingstown: Rte. 2 South, from Rte. 138 to Heaton Orchard Rd., partial right lane closure for drainage work, Tues.-Thurs., 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
West Greenwich: Hopkins Hill Rd. East, under I-95, center lane closed for bridge work, Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
West Bay
Temporary Bridge Closure
Coventry/Foster: The bridge carrying Barbs Hill Rd. over the Moosup River, just north of Vaughn Hollow Rd. at Potter Rd., is currently closed through late October 2019. Follow signed detour.
Warwick: Rte. 117 (Centerville Rd.) West, from Orchard Ave. to Commonwealth Ave., right lane closed for construction, Mon. night, 7 p.m.-5 a.m.
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