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RICCF Honors Langevin with Congressional Champion Award

[CREDIT: C-SPAN] Congressman James Langevin presides over the House of Representatives during opening day of the 116th Congress.
[CREDIT: C-SPAN] Congressman James Langevin presides over the House of Representatives during opening day of the 116th Congress.
[CREDIT: C-SPAN] Congressman James Langevin presides over the House of Representatives during opening day of the 116th Congress.

PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island Coalition for Children and Families (RICCF) today honored U.S. Rep. Jim Langevin among several champions of the state’s human services sector during its 2022 Awards & Policy Luncheon at the Providence Marriott Downtown.

The event celebrated the work of community human service and health providers in promoting the safety, health, and success of Rhode Island children, youth, and families.

Langevin was honored via video with the Congressional Champion Award for his work as co-chair of the Congressional Caucus for Foster Youth and as a champion for youth in foster care.

RICCF honored R.I. Representative Marcia Ranglin-Vassell and R.I. Senator Sandra Cano as Legislative Champions for successfully passing the Trauma-informed School bill. The bill will provide training for all Rhode Island school personnel on the impact of trauma on children and youth.

Navigant Credit Union received RICCF’s Community Champion Award for its philanthropic commitment to the community. The company underwrote the National Foster Care Month celebration at Roger Williams Park Zoo, which more than 800 youth and family members attended.

“Today, we acknowledge that we are stronger and more effective together,” said Tanja Kubas-Meyer, executive director of RICCF. “It’s great to be here in person to honor and celebrate our champions for their tireless work. We know that in partnership with our colleagues in government and the corporate and philanthropic sectors, we can make changes that matter for children, youth, and families.”

“We thank Congressman Langevin for his efforts on behalf of youth in foster care nationwide,” Kubas-Meyer continued. “We also thank Representatives Casimiro and Ranglin-Vassell and Senators Cano and DiPalma for their commitment to improving the well-being of Rhode Island children and families, and we thank Navigant Credit Union for their generosity.”

Dan Cardinali, president and CEO of Independent Sector, delivered the luncheon’s keynote speech.

“The Rhode Island Coalition for Children and Families plays a vital role in driving policy discussions that directly impact the state’s children, youth, and families,” Cardinali said. “Your advocacy helps leverage the power of creative collaborations between nonprofits, the public sector, and philanthropy to improve the lives of individuals and communities.”

Also honored during the event were R.I. Representative Julie Casimiro and R.I. Senator Louis P. DiPalma, who received the Legislative Champion awards for their work in stabilizing the human services sector. The pair’s work resulted in passage of a state requirement for a rate review and rate-setting mechanism for human services in Rhode Island.

U.S. Congressman James Langevin was honored via video with the Congressional Champion Award for his work as co-chair of the Congressional Caucus for Foster Youth and as a champion for youth in foster care.

Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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