WARWICK, RI — RI Trooper Log arrests Oct. 1 – 7 involving Warwick included charges for DUI, obtaining money under false pretenses, and missing court hearings for assault and shoplifting.
Here are the basics on those arrests:
DUI, Rte. 95 stop At 12:06 a.m. Oct. 2, troopers arrested Owen Filion, 32, of 114 Parkway Drive, Warwick, Rhode Island for 1.) Driving While Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor/Drugs – BAC Unk – 1st Offense and 2.) Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test – 2nd Offense.
The arrest was a result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 South in Warwick. Filion was transported to the Wickford Barracks where he was processed, arraigned by the Justice of the Peace, and released into the custody of a responsible adult with a future Third District Court date.
Missed court, assault charge At 1 p.m. Oct. 3, troopers arrested Rafael Perez Jr., 47, of 38 Ayrault Street, Apt. #3, Providence, Rhode Island for 1.) Third District Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for a Pretrial Conference on the original charge of Simple Assault originating out of the North Providence Police Department, 2.) Providence County Superior Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Pre-arraignment Conference on the original charge of Domestic Violence – Breaking and Entering originating out of the North Providence Police Department.
This arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Rte. 95 North in Warwick. Subject was transported to the Wickford Barracks where he was processed and later turned over to the Kent County Courthouse.
Wanted for obtaining money falsely At 10:46 a.m. Oct. 4, troopers arrested William Munson, 46, of 164 Arlington Ave., Warwick, Rhode Island, on an Affidavit and Arrest Warrant for Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses originating out of the South Kingstown Police Department.
The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Old Louisquisset Pike, in Lincoln. Munson was transported to the Lincoln Woods Barracks where he was processed and later turned over to the South Kingstown Police Department.
Missed court, shoplifting On Oct. 7, at 12:19 a.m., troopers arrested Stephan Trotter, 38, of 101 Kenyon Ave. 3rd Floor, Pawtucket, Rhode Island for 1) Superior Court Full Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Pretrial Conference on the original charge of Shoplifting > $100 – Second Offense, originating out of the Warwick Police Department 2) Superior Court Full Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Sentencing on a Violation on the original charge of Felony Shoplifting, originating out of the Cranston Police Department 3) Superior Court Full Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Sentencing on a Violation on the original charge of Felony Shoplifting, originating out of the Rhode Island State Police – Lincoln Woods Barracks 4) Superior Court Full Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Pretrial Conference on the original charge of Shoplifting > $100 – Second Offense, originating out of the Johnston Police Department.
The arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Route 146 in the Town of North Smithfield. The subject was transported to State Police – Lincoln Woods Barracks where he was processed and later turned over to the ACI – Men’s Intake Center.
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