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RI GOP Needs to Cure Its ODD If It Expects to Win

RIGOPMayor Scott Avedisian’s stock as a political star in Rhode Island will probably rise — rather than fall — as a result of his decision not to enter the 2014 gubernatorial race.

With a dwindling number of seats in the General Assembly and the still-sour taste of former Gov. Don Carcieri’s dismal record still in voters’ mouths, the Rhode Island GOP has pinned its hopes on two candidates who weren’t originally Republicans in this year’s governor’s race.

Even worse, the RI GOP is still suffering from ODD, or oppositional-defiance disorder. They oppose anything done at the State House, simply for the sake of opposing it.

Cranston Mayor Allan Fung is running, essentially, to see whether a Republican mayor can step up to the big seat; by staying out of the race, Avedisian will be able to see the results without going through the cost of running his own campaign.

Read more on Joe Hutnak’s Blog:

Fung Has His Own Party Switch


Joe Hutnak -
Author: Joe Hutnak -

Co-Founder and Editor-at-Large of Warwick Post. For Warwick Post-related inquiries or communications, email

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