WARWICK, RI — The week starts with a national holiday,Martin Luther King Jr. Day, celebrating the legacy of the renowned Civil Rights leader and advocate of non-violent protest in the struggle for equality for all races.
Monday is a federal holiday recognizing King and a day of service for millions of Americans. Non-essential Government departments are closed, as are many corporations.
Sen. Reed to Celebrate King legacy at Scholarship Breakfast
Senator Reed will help honor and commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the Ministers Alliance of Rhode Island 34th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Breakfast at Rhodes on The Pawtuxet,60 Rhodes Place, Cranston. American Baptist pastor and civil rights leader Rev. Dr. Aidsand F. Wright-Riggins III will serve as the featured speaker at the event.
Each year at the breakfast, students are awarded scholarships to help continue their education and pursue their dreams. Thirteen students will receive scholarships this year.
Apponaug Circulator Project Update

Operations continue throughout the winter, with RIDOT efforts focused on drainage work in preparation for above grade work later this year. Drainage work continued on Route 117 (Centerville Road) this past week and will continue next week from Meadow Street/Burger King to Post Road (
Apponaug Four Corners), with one lane open in each direction, weekdays from
6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Additionally, drainage work will take place on Route 5 (Greenwich Avenue), from Post Road/Centerville Road (Apponaug Four Corners) to Veterans Memorial Drive, with alternating lane closures, weekdays from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Delays are anticipated. Please seek alternate routes.
RIDOT Traffic Alerts
Warwick: Rte. 117 (Centerville Rd.) East, from Meadow St./Burger King to Post Rd. (Apponaug Four Corners), one lane open in each direction for drainage work, Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
East Greenwich: Rte. 2 (South County Trail) North and South over Rte. 4, right lane closures for bridge work through mid-January 2017.
Warwick: Rte. 117 (Centerville Rd.), from Meadow St./Burger King to Post Rd. (Apponaug Four Corners), Eastbound and Westbound traffic are now using the Veterans Memorial Dr. Extension. Centerville Rd. is closed to thru traffic from Post Rd. to Meadow St. Please note: access to/from businesses is maintained.
Warwick: A temporary traffic signal has been activated at the Metro Center Blvd. Bridge carrying Metro Center Blvd. over the Airport Connector. With this activation, the detour has been removed. Motorists will now experience one lane of alternating traffic, and possible delays, through Winter 2017.
Warwick: Airport Connector East at the Jefferson Blvd. off-ramp, lanes shifted to the high speed lane, with all exits open. Westbound traffic will continue through the current configuration through Winter 2017.
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