Warwick, RI – It’s a busy holiday week on the heels of an election, focused on honoring the people who serve in the military, committing themselves to answering the call to defend the democracy some recently exercised.
Veterans Day Observance Warwick Vets – The Warwick Veterans High School will host a wreath-laying ceremony in observance of Veterans Day Tuesday, 10 a.m.
Trash this week – As Warwick’s Sanitation and Recycling Division observes Veterans Day, if your regular collection day falls on Tuesday, you will receive collection the next day.
The remainder of the collection week will be a day later during that holiday week. This collection delay effects trash, recycling and yard waste collections.
Open/closed – The Warwick Public Library will be closed Tuesday for Veterans Day, as will government offices and schools. CCRI is also not holding classes that day.
Banks, with the exception of Citizen’s Bank in local Stop and Shop grocery stores, are closed, as are the clerical offices of the Warwick Police and Fire Departments.
Nearby Veterans Day Observance – Veterans Memorial Park, West Warwick, Two Legion Way, 9:30 a.m., according to the Providence Journal’s roundup of local events.
Free Yogurt for Vets – If you’re a veteran, and you like frozen yogurt, you’re in luck at Menchie’s. The frozen yogurt joint at 300 Quaker Ln is giving away the first 6 oz. of yogurt to all veterans, with their thanks for your service.
Free admission to vets at Roger Williams’ Zoo – Roger Williams Zoo offers free admission for veterans and members of the armed forces, as well as half price admission for up to three immediate family members (spouse and children).
Identification of active or retired status must be shown to receive free admission.
City Council – The Warwick City Council meets this week on Wednesday, 7 p.m. You can have a look at the agenda here. Check back for more info on the meeting. Same Post-time, Same Post-Channel.
Or Tuesday. Tuesday’s good, too.
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