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Heading to Apponaug? Here’s the Schedule for Road Work

Apponaug businesses are open during the ongoing Circulator Project. Here's how to stay up-to-date on road closures and other traffic notices.
Apponaug businesses are open during the ongoing Circulator Project. Here\’s how to stay up-to-date on road closures and other traffic notices.

Warwick, RI — If you travel in and around Warwick, chances are that at some point, you’ll be driving through Apponaug, the historic district along Post Road just north of East Greenwich.

As the Apponaug Circulator Project continues, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation and the Central Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce are helping travelers by posting the latest information on road closures, lane shifts, and other construction work that will impact drivers.

To get email alerts from the Central RI Chamber of Commerce on the Apponaug Circulator Project, email with the subject line: RIDOT Updates

For the week of Sept. 15 to 20, here’s the schedule of planned work for the area:

Post Road – West Shore Road to Veterans Memorial Drive:

* Installation of the New Kent County Water Main will be continue from Lockhart  Ave. to Veterans Memorial Drive.
* National Grid Gas Company will continue installation of new 8-in. gas main, from West Shore Road to Veterans Memorial Drive.
* Debris removal will be completed at the Former Bank Of America building.

A view of the Bank of America building demolition.
A view of the Bank of America building demolition.

* Cardi Corp. will continue working in a reclaiming area established at the Post Road Extension.
* Installation of new utility poles is anticipated to start within the next two weeks.
* Overhead wire relocation is anticipated to continue, at the intersection of Post Road and West Shore Road.
* Two travel lanes will continue to be closed during construction activities and two travel lanes will continue be opened to traffic during construction activities.

Centerville Road [Rte. 117] – Diamond Hill Road to Tollgate Road:

* National Grid Electric will continue relocation of overhead wires along Tollgate, Meadow & Gilbane.
* National Grid Electric is anticipated to begin installation of new Overhead wires along Centerville Road within the next two weeks.
* Single lane closures are anticipated between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., while crews relocate overhead wires.

Veterans Memorial Drive Extension (Former Mill Site):
* Installation of erosion control devices will continue within the limits of the Mill Site.

Veterans Memorial Drive – Post Road to Greenwich Avenue:
* Removal of the concrete road base, located on the southern half of the roadway, is anticipated to begin the week of September 22 to 26, mainly during overnight hours.
* Tree clearing/trimming operations are anticipated to begin at the intersection of Veterans Memorial Drive and Post Road.
* Construction of a new Verizon cell phone tower will continue behind the Warwick Fire Department.
* One travel lane will be closed during daytime construction activities and three travel lanes will be opened to traffic during daytime construction activities from 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

No construction activity is scheduled for Apponaug Village proper, on Post Road from Centerville Road to West Shore Road.

Stay updated with road construction alerts and road closures on the RIDOT Traffic Advisory website, and follow RIDOT on Twitter.

Post Road – West Shore Road to Veterans Memorial Drive: 

  • Installation of the New Kent County Water Main will be continue from Lockhart Ave. to Veterans Memorial Drive.
  • National Grid Gas Company will continue installation of New 8” Gas Main, from West Shore Road to Veterans Memorial Drive.
  • Debris removal will be completed at the Former Bank Of America building.
  • Contractor will continue working in a reclaiming area established at the Post Road Extension.
  • Installation of new utility poles is anticipated to start within the next Two weeks.
  • Overhead wire relocation is anticipated to continue, at the Intersection of Post Rd / West Shore Road.
  • Two travel lanes will continue to be closed during construction activities and Two travel lanes will continue be opened to traffic during construction activities.

Centerville Road – Diamond Hill Road to Tollgate Road:

  • National Grid Electric will continue relocation of overhead wires along Tollgate, Meadow & Gilbane.
  • National Grid Electric is anticipated to begin installation of new Overhead wires, along Centerville Road, within the next two weeks.
  • Single lane closures are anticipated, at times between 9:00 am and 2:30 pm, during Overhead Wire Relocation.

Veterans Memorial Drive Extension (Former Mill Site):

  • Installation of Erosion control devices will continue within the limits of the Mill Site.
  • Site Preparation Activities will continue within the Mill Site.

Veterans Memorial Drive – Post Road to Greenwich Avenue:

  • Removal of the concrete road base, located on the southern half of the roadway, is anticipated to begin the week of September 22nd to the 26th.  This activity is anticipated to be a night time operation.
  • Tree clearing/trimming operations are anticipated to begin at the Intersection of Veterans Memorial Drive and Post Road.
  • Construction of a new Verizon Wireless Cell Phone Tower will continue behind the Warwick Fire Department Facility.
  • One travel lane will be closed during daytime construction activities and Three travel lanes will be opened to traffic during daytime construction activities, during the hours of 6:30am to 4:00pm.

Post Road (Village) – Centerville Road to West Shore Road:

  • No activity is schedule to take place within the village until two-way traffic is established on the new Veterans Memorial Extension, Veterans Memorial Drive and Post Road (East).

Greenwich Avenue – Veterans Memorial Drive to Centerville Road:

  • No daytime activity is schedule to take place until two-way traffic is established on the new Veterans Memorial Extension, Veterans Memorial Drive and Post Road (East).

– See more at:

Joe Hutnak -
Author: Joe Hutnak -

Co-Founder and Editor-at-Large of Warwick Post. For Warwick Post-related inquiries or communications, email

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