When Gray spoke with the woman, Katelyn Jacobson, 30, of 20 Jefferson Boulevard, Apt. 305, Warwick, who told him she knew she was wanted for failing to appear in court, according to the officer’s report.
Gray searched her during the arrest, finding multiple syringes and clear, small plastic bags, tinfoil with burnt powder on it in her handbag, and a single clear bag with white powder inside, which Gray suspected was fentanyl, inside her wallet. according to his report.
Jacobson asked if she would get any new charges, “Because of my wallet,” according to the report.
Gray transported Jacobson to Warwick Police Headquarters, 99 Veterans Memorial Drive, where the substance tested positive for fentanyl, 0.3 grams. Gray charged her with possession of a controlled, schedule I-V substance, less than 10 grams, a misdemeanor. She was held pending transport to Third District Court on the missed hearing warrants.
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