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Equestrian Trail Ride Sunday Benefits American Cancer Society

[CREDIT:] Above, scenes from the 2014 Equestrian Trail Ride. The June 1, 2019, 9 a.m. fundraiser will be at Goddard Park in Warwick, at the park’s Equestrian Area.

[CREDIT:] Above, scenes from the 2014 Equestrian Trail Ride. The June 1, 2019, 9 a.m. fundraiser will be at Goddard Park in Warwick, at the park’s Equestrian Area.
[CREDIT: Rose Terrein] Above, scenes from the 2014 Equestrian Trail Ride. The June 2, 2019, 9 a.m. fundraiser will be at Goddard Park in Warwick, at the park’s Equestrian Area.
Goddard Park Equestrian Entrance

WARWICK, R.I. — If you dig riding horses and researching cancer cures, RoseTerrian has just the thing Sunday, 9 a.m. at Goddard Park with her Relay For Life Equestrian Trail Ride fundraiser.

Terrien, a Seekonk, MA resident, has been hosting the fundraiser off and on for about 14 years. She started running it when a fellow member of the now-defunct Bristol County Horseman’s Association,   Sue Robinson, passed away from cancer. Terrien volunteered to do a memorial ride for her, and she’s been running it ever since.

Over the years, the Equestrian Trail Ride has raised close to $1,000, drawing 10 – 30 riders. Terrien said she’d like to gather 50 riders this year.

“That would be awesome,” Terrian said.

Terrien, a three-time lymphoma cancer survivor, endured two surgeries and chemotheraphy treatments, “Thereby losing my hair twice,” she said.

She also had a port inserted into her chest for 10 years.

“About three to four years after having cancer twice, I then was told I had it a third time and was given a new oral monoclonal antibody chemotheraphy drug called Rituxin which turned out to be my miracle drug to put me into remission about 18 years,” Terrien said.

Now, Terrien would like to help raise money to fund research like the kind that helped save her own life. Money raised during the event will benefit the Relay For Life of Greater Attleboro, contributing to the American Cancer Society.

Registration begins at the park, 1095 Ives Road, Warwick, in the Equestrian Show Area, at 9 a.m. Riders pay a registration fee of $25 pre-entry or $30 post entry to  They are given refreshments before and after the ride.  Riders can begin their ride immediately after registration. Lunch and raffles will be held at 12:30 p.m. Giveaways include T-shirts, pins, water for riders, and carrots for the horses.

Interested riders may contact Terrien by email at for more information.

[CREDIT:] The June 1 Relay For Life Equestrian Trail Ride fundraiser will be at Goddard Park in Warwick, at the park’s Equestrian Area.
[CREDIT:] The June 2 Relay For Life Equestrian Trail Ride fundraiser will be at Goddard Park in Warwick, at the park’s Equestrian Area.
Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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