WARWICK, RI — The City has voted in Mayor Scott Avedisian for another term, elected three new Democrats to the City Council, incumbent Karen Bachus and newcomer David Testa to the School Committee, and sent Councilwoman Camille Vella-Wilkinson and newcomer Evan Shanley to the General Assembly. all while backing Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.
By midnight, the Electoral College remained a tossup for the Presidential candidates with 209 electoral votes to Trump’s 244, though RI’s four electoral votes were safely in Clinton’s camp. Clinton won 18,394 votes to Trump’s 17,303 in Warwick, and 221,143 for Clinton to 163,237 for Trump Rhode Island – wide.
By morning, Trump was the clear winner of the Electoral College, and the next president of the United States, with 299.5 votes to Clinton’s 238.5.
Locally, Avedisian congratulated challenger Richard Corrente, after the incumbent mayor’s win with 24,300 votes to Corrente’s 13,278.
On the City Council, Ward 1’s Democrat Richard Corely bested Republican Richard H. Cascella, Jr., 2463 – 2080.
“I’m feeling gratitude for all of the people who helped me,” said Corley. “I think the people in Ward 1 are looking for someone to return their phone calls and respond to their requests,” Corley said.
In Ward 2, Jeremy Rix beat John Silvaggio, 2,605 – 1,100.
Rix said his first order of business will be to contact the department heads about his constituent requests about issues like trees on city property that threaten private homes.
Ward 3 saw Timothy J. Howe win with 1,865 votes to Kenneth F. Nelson’s 1,356 votes.
Howe said he’ll spend his first few days as a city councilor settling in and looking ahead to upcoming changes.
The election also saw former Councilwoman Democrat Camille Vella-Wilkinson win the Dist. 21 seat with 2,573 votes to Independent Michael Underwood’s 1,004 and Republican Michael Penta’s 2064 votes.
Penta congratulated Vella-Wilkinson on her win and on helping him maintain a civil, clean rivalry during their respective campaigns.
“I’m looking forward to working with Camille in the future,” Penta said.
Incumbent School Committeewoman Karen Bachus and newcomer David Testa were also elected, with 17,400 and 12,728 votes respectively.
“Thank you for bringing me back,” Bachus said.
DISTRICT 24: EVAN P. SHANLEY (DEMOCRAT) (Republican) Stacia Huyler : (Shanley: 3,521 to 3,049) Statewide, Shanley received 3,894 votes to Huyler’s 3,302.
DISTRICT 19: JOSEPH MCNAMARA (DEMOCRAT), DAVID D MASTRIANO (INDEPENDENT) (McNamara: 3,645 to 3,412) Statewide, McNamara won 4,331 votes to Mastriano’s 2,787.
DISTRICT 2o: DAVID A BENNETT (DEMOCRAT), DANIEL ELLIOTT (INDEPENDENT) (Bennett:2,673 to 1,998) Statewide, Bennett won 2,915 to Elliot’s 2,125.
DISTRICT 22: JOSEPH J. SOLOMON JR, (DEMOCRAT), ELIZABETH K SMITH(INDEPENDENT) (Solomon: 3,618 to 2,022) Statewide, Solomon received 3,837 votes to Independent Elizabeth Smith’s 2,122.
DISTRICT 26: VINCENT MARZULLO (INDEPENDENT), PATRICIA L MORGAN (REPUBLICAN) (Morgan: 358 to 229) Statewide, Morgan received 3,168 votes to Democrat Anthony Paolino’s 2,074.
DISTRICT 27: MARK E BOURGET (INDEPENDENT), PATRICIA A SERPA (DEMOCRAT) (Serpa: 346 to 229) Statewide, Serpa received 3,521 votes to Independent Mark Bourget’s 2,722.
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