PROVIDENCE, RI — A Coventry man was found guilty in Kent County Superior Court Wednesday for a Coventry party sexual assault of a woman in 2020, Attorney General Peter F. Neronha announced.
On Oct. 25, 2023, following a four-day trial, Superior Court Justice Luis M. Matos found Austin Davis, 28, guilty of one count of first-degree sexual assault. Davis is currently being held without bail at the Adult Correctional Institutions (ACI) and is scheduled to be sentenced on January 5, 2024.
“We know that sexual assault is chronically underreported, with many victims suffering in silence,” said Neronha. “For this reason, each time we prosecute an offender of sexual violence, I hope it helps other victims remember that justice can prevail in these cases. I’m grateful to the Coventry Police Department for their outstanding work and partnership in this case and so many others.”
During the trial, the State proved beyond a reasonable doubt that on Oct. 16, 2020, the defendant sexually assaulted a female victim at a residence in Coventry. That night, both the defendant and the victim attended a house party in Coventry. During the party, the defendant had sexual intercourse with the victim while she was incapacitated. On Oct. 17, the victim reported the sexual assault to Kent Hospital.
An investigation by Coventry Police matched DNA results from the victim’s sexual assault exam with the defendant. The defendant was subsequently arrested by the Coventry Police Department.
“I commend the victim’s bravery throughout this process,” said Coventry Police Chief Frederick J. Heise III. “Justice was served in this case, and I thank Detective Pacheco and our partners at the RI Attorney General’s Office for their investigation and prosecutorial work.”
Special Assistant Attorney General John Malloy of the Office of the Attorney General and Detective Paul Pacheco of the Coventry Police Department led the investigation and prosecution of the case.
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