[CREDIT: City of Warwick] Mayor Frank Picozzi helps ready Warwick Schools Superintendent Lynn Dambruch’s presentation on the State of Warwick Schools.Editor’s note: The Council Update is a twice-monthly update on Council meetings and developments from Warwick City Council President Steve McAllister. The column is written after each council meeting, twice a month. This review of Warwick City Council events has been lightly edited to update time references, for grammar, and to include referential links for further reading. Warwick City Councilman Steve McAllister
The Superintendent brought with her a number of administrators who each presented a slide updating the council on their area of expertise. We received updates on the awards our teachers and principals have won the past two years. We received an overview of all the construction projects that were completed this past summer. We were shown the recently released test scores [RELATED READS:Committee Praises Warwick RICAS Progress, Warwick RICAS Scores Dip Attributed to Pandemic, New Curriculum} and saw that the scores continue to go up.
We also learned about all the new technology and outdoor learning spaces that are going into different schools across the district. As well as hearing from the school department’s new safety officer.
As Council President, I asked the Superintendent to speak to the city council because historically the school department has only come to council meetings during budget time or with bond requests. We are all one community, and the education of our students is an investment all Warwick residents should be proud of, whether we have students in the schools or not. We are giving the future leaders of our city, state and country a great foundation here in Warwick. You can see the presentation on our YouTube page. It starts at the 223.42 mark.
Upcoming Warwick events:
Please join us Saturday for the First Annual Apponaug Winter Festival and Parade. There are so many different activities for the entire family to enjoy. Below are the flyers with all the information. Hope to see you there!