Warwick, RI – The Warwick City Council meets to vote on new penalties for littering and late tax payments tonight at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 3275 Post Road.
The littering ordinance, presented by Councilman Steven Colantuono and Council President Donna Travis on behalf of Mayor Scott Avedisian, would fine convicted litterers $85 to $500, and also order offenders to pick up litter for up to 24 hours.
A second offense would bring a fine of $300 to $500, and up to 50 hours cleaning litter.
The Council will also consider a resolution changing the city’s bylaws to indicate that starting in fiscal year 2015, if a taxpayer fails to pay the first installment or any following installment by the due date, the tax collector will require immediate payment of only the late installment, and only apply a penalty interest charge to the late instalment.
Councilman Edgar Ladouceur is sponsoring the resolution.
The Council will also discuss a resolution inviting former Councilor Robert Cushman to present his figures on the city’s pension figures to the Council.
Cushman’s figures were the basis for Stacia Petri’s claim that the city is $1 billion in debt during her failed Republican primary bid.
A resolution presented by Travis will seek final confirmation of the appointment of Catherine K. Avila as City Council Auditor.
The Council’s Consent Calendar includes approval to award bids on several purchases, including $252,650 for a six-wheel dump truck with plow to Altrui Bros. Truck Sales of Providence, and a $444,747 for a Triple Combination Pumper to Pierce Mfg., Inc. of Appleton, WI.
For a more detailed look at tonight’s meeting, check the entire City Council docket embedded below:
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