WARWICK, RI — The newly inaugurated Warwick City Council, sporting new members and new President Steven McAllister, tackle a request for a state vaccination plan, OK-ing a $10M high school field bond and an $8.9M school improvement bond release Wednesday night at 7 p.m.
The event will be broadcast live to the public on Zoom (meeting # 978 8786 9794).
The $8.9M release will be part of a $40M school improvement bonds approved in February 2020.
The high school fields bond will aid improvements at the city’s High Schools, including .
The Council will also consider a resolution asking the Rhode Island Department of Health provide direction and guidance to the City assuring a timely and efficient distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to all residents, especially the medically vulnerable residents of the City of Warwick.
01-20-2021 Regular Public Hearing Amended Agenda
PCO-7-19 (SUB A)- Retirement Board
PCO-24-20 Ord. Re. Fire Dept. Acct. 12.22.20
PCR-6-21 Res. Re. Salter’s Grove
PCR-8-21 Res Authorizing Bond Phase I Cash Release III for $8,999,688.00…
PCR-10-21 Resolution re Vaccinations (002)_1
PCR-10-21 Resolution re Vaccinations (002)
PCR-29-20 Res. Re. High School Fields Bonds
PCR-39-20 Res. Re. Amending Rule 30
PCR-79-20 Res. Re. Buckeye Brook
PCR-97-20 Res. Re. Cooper Bldg. Ratification
PCR-107-20 2019-195 Specialist in Real Estate to Prepare Conduct Tax Sa…
PCR-122-20 2021-188 Pipe Fittings Valves
PCR-123-20 2021-189 Neptune Cold Water Meters
PCR-195-19 Commission to Study Health Care
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