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Council Tackles Vaccines, $10M Sports Field Bonds

Warwick City Hall
Warwick City Hall
Warwick City Hall.

WARWICK, RI — The newly inaugurated Warwick City Council, sporting new members and new President Steven McAllister, tackle a request for a state vaccination plan, OK-ing a $10M high school field bond and an $8.9M school improvement bond release Wednesday night at 7 p.m.

The event will be broadcast live to the public on Zoom (meeting # 978 8786 9794).

The $8.9M release will be part of a $40M school improvement bonds approved in February 2020.

The high school fields bond will aid improvements at the city’s High Schools, including .

The Council will also consider a resolution asking the Rhode Island Department of Health provide direction and guidance to the City assuring a timely and efficient distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to all residents, especially the medically vulnerable residents of the City of Warwick.

01-20-2021 Regular Public Hearing Amended Agenda

PCO-7-19 (SUB A)- Retirement Board

PCO-24-20 Ord. Re. Fire Dept. Acct. 12.22.20

PCR-6-21 Res. Re. Salter’s Grove

PCR-7-21 Bids 1-21-2021

PCR-8-21 Res Authorizing Bond Phase I Cash Release III for $8,999,688.00…

PCR-10-21 Resolution re Vaccinations (002)_1

PCR-10-21 Resolution re Vaccinations (002)

PCR-29-20 Res. Re. High School Fields Bonds

PCR-39-20 Res. Re. Amending Rule 30

PCR-79-20 Res. Re. Buckeye Brook

PCR-97-20 Res. Re. Cooper Bldg. Ratification

PCR-107-20 2019-195 Specialist in Real Estate to Prepare Conduct Tax Sa…

PCR-122-20 2021-188 Pipe Fittings Valves

PCR-123-20 2021-189 Neptune Cold Water Meters

PCR-195-19 Commission to Study Health Care

Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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