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Council Meets on WFD, DPW Trucks, Benefit Street Zoning Change

Warwick City Hall
Warwick City Hall. Surplus
Warwick City Hall.

WARWICK, RI  — The Warwick City Council meets at City Hall, 3275 Post Road, tonight to consider bids for a new pump truck and rescue for the Warwick Fire Department, a new trash truck for the DPW and a switch in zoning for a Benefit Street parcel from light industrial to residential, in keeping with the area’s largely residential use.

The zoning change, requested by Harrington Realty, LLC for 52 Benefit St., would allow the company to subdivide the property into three residential parcels, with the current building being rehabbed and the other two lots developed as homes. The move would also serve to limit commercial intrusion into the surrounding residential area, according to a presentation by Pimental Consulting on behalf of Harrington Realty (embedded below).

The Warwick Planning Board voted 7-0 to favorably recommend passage to the City Council.

Director of Public Works Richard Crenca is also asking the Council to consider awarding a $265,975 bid for a new sanitation truck to Peterbilt of RI in Johnston to replace a 2006 Sterling Condor automated sanitation truck that sustained a blown engine in late August 2017.

“At the time it became disabled, the truck had logged 16,979 hours and 129,584 miles. This vehicle is the last remaining truck of the fleet that had caught fire due to electrical problems,” Crenca wrote in a letter explaining the need for a replacement. The loss of the truck has made it difficult to provide regular maintenance to the rest of the fleet and is costing the city $800 per week in overtime as the maintenance is done over the weekend to catch up.

The Warwick Fire Department is also asking to award a $848,070 bid to Minuteman Fire and Rescue Apparatus for two pumper trucks to replace an aged Engine 8, a 2000 American LaFrance with 164,000 miles, and Engine 5, a 1999 American LaFrance with 167,000 miles.

The department is also asking the Council to award a bid for $291,631, for a new rescue truck to New England  Fire and Rescue Apparatus of New Haven, CT.

The Council will also consider a recommendation by former Finance Director Bruce Keiser to hire Northeast Evaluation on Jefferson Boulevard to conduct the city’s 2018 statistical revaluation for $316,000. Warwick City Council Docket 06-18-2018

PCR-78-18 Bid 2018-269 Reappraisal of All Real Property PCR-63-18 Bid 2018-278 Purchase 1,500 GPN Pumper Fire Apparatus PCR-62-18 Bid 2018-275 Type I Medical Rescue Vehicle PCR-62-18 Bid 2018-275 Type I Medical Rescue Vehicle_1 PCR-45-18 Bid 2018-243 Medical Evaluations for Fire Dept PCO-13-18 & PCO-12-18 Comp Plan FLUM Amend and Zone Change Benefit St PCO-12-18 Benefit St Zone Change

Rob Borkowski
Author: Rob Borkowski

Rob has worked as reporter and editor for several publications, including The Kent County Daily Times and Coventry Courier, before working for Gatehouse in MA then moving home with Patch Media. Now he's publisher and editor of Contact him at with tips, press releases, advertising inquiries, and concerns.

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