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Council Greenlights Pothole App

The Warwick City Council OK'd purchasing a pothole app allowing citizens to report potholes and get notified when they're fixed.
The Warwick City Council OK'd purchasing a pothole app allowing citizens to report potholes and get notified when they're fixed.
The Warwick City Council OK’d purchasing a pothole app allowing citizens to report potholes and get notified when they’re fixed.

WARWICK, RI — Warwick citizens will soon be able to alert the city directly about potholes and get a heads-up when the problem’s fixed, after the Warwick City Council OK’d a pothole app in Monday’s consent calendar.

Eric Earls, Director of Public Works, submitted the purchase request for $7,000 to buy the app software from Sourcewell. The reports will be handled using the app, downloaded to phones allowing people to submit photos of potholes, along with their location, to the Public Works Department.

“This will allow the Public Works Department to better streamline the efficiency of notification and filling of potholes, Earls wrote in a memo to the City Council.

During the Finance Committee meeting prior to the regular meeting, Councilman Vinny Gebhardt asked how long it would take to make the app reporting program a reality.

“I think it’s just something that needs to be coordinated with the vendor,” said Christy Moretti with the Department of Public Works, who presented the request to purchase the app service.

“This is actually user friendly for anyone who has a smart phone,” she said, “Once we fill pothole, it sends a notification to the person who made the original request.

While it will be initially used to address pothole reports in the city, “I’m sure that we can use it for anything.” Moretti said, assuming it works well.

Moretti said the city is signing up for one three year term. “We’ll evaluate it towards the end of the contract,” Moretti said.

“I think conceptually, it’s outstanding,” said Councilman Ed Ladouceur.

The item was passed during the full Council meeting as part of the consent agenda.


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