WARWICK, RI — The Warwick City Council meets tonight at City Hall after a long stretch of meetings at Warwick Police Headquarters during repairs to Council Chambers, where they’ll vote on second passage for four resolutions.
City Councilors will consider second passage of an ordinance on fines for building construction without a permit, set at:
- First offense, $250 for each permit plus a processing fee of $750.00 plus the cost of each building permit that should have been applied for.
- Second offense, $500 for each permit plus a processing fee of $1,500 plus the cost for each permit that would have been incurred if a building permit were issued in the first instance.
- Third offense, $500 for each permit plus a processing fee of $2,250 plus the cost for each permit that would have been incurred if a permit were issued in the first instance.
The Council will also consider second passage of an ordinance allowing right turns from Airport Road on to Evergreen Avenue.
The body will also consider second passage of an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance,
changing the classification of lots 542, 543 and 544 on Assessor’s Plat 376 a
from Residential A-7 and A-10 to Waterfront Business.
A fourth second passage up for consideration would change the classification of  179 on Assessor’s Plat 271 from General Business to General Business with Planned District Residential (PDR) Overlay District.  PCO-4-19-Sub-A-Remove-restriction-on-entering-Evergreen-from-Airport-Road
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