Way of Rhode Island and Rhode Island KIDS COUNT — teamed up with Rhode Island
Association for the Education of Young Children to invite community leaders to read at
early learning programs across the state.
Rhode Island Reads aims to double the number of third-graders who can read on grade level by 2025.
This spring, the organization worked to build awareness of the need for high-quality early learning opportunities for young children by organizing reading events in early learning programs across the state. This year, they focused on reading to infants and toddlers, because the roots of literacy begin in infancy.
Thirty-six guest readers participated – 25 state legislators and 11 community leaders, including three Warwick lawmakers:
- Senator Jeanine Calkin read to children at CHILD, Inc. on Draper Avenue inWarwick.
- Sen. Erin Lynch Prata read to children at Magic Years Child Care Center on Post Road in Warwick.
- Rep. Joseph M. McNamara read to children at Westbay Children’s Center on Astral St. in Warwick.
Rhode Island Reads is made up of over 60 organizations and partners who are dedicated to
reaching our goal of 75 percent of Rhode Island third graders reading at grade-level by 2025. Their
partners include:
The American Academy of Pediatrics, RI Chapter
Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce
Hasbro, Inc.
Reach Out and Read RI
The Rhode Island Children’s Cabinet
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
The Rhode Island Association for the Education of Young Children
The Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services
United Way of
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