Eric Johnson, 19, is on probation and serving suspended sentences in a number of larceny and car theft cases.
Eric Johnson, 19, of 1145 Warwick Ave., pleaded no contest to five misdemeanor counts of larceny in Kent C0unty District Court on Oct. 11. Judge Joseph P. Ippolito Jr. sentenced Johnston to a one-year suspended sentence and one year’s probation for each charge, to be served concurrently.
Warwick Police reported arresting Johnson at about 7 p.m. on Oct. 10 on St. George Court. In an Oct. 11 Facebook post, the department wrote that Johnson “targeted unlocked cars for money and electronics, while covering his face to protect his identity.”
The WPD also reminded residents to lock their car doors at night and to report any suspicious activity in their neighborhoods to police.
In two other cases where Johnson had pleaded no contest to misdemeanor larceny and receiving stolen goods, Ippolito imposed one year suspended sentences and one year’s probation to be served concurrently with the other cases, changing earlier court decisions to file those cases.
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