During the latter part of the evening and early morning hours, Warwick Police responded to nineteen incidents of graffiti and vandalism in the Sandy Lane, West Shore Road area of the city, according to a statement from the department. Four juveniles were reportedly responsible for at least 15 incidents of spray paint graffiti that targeted businesses, residences, schools and other public buildings.
In addition, there were four incidents of vandalism to businesses and personal vehicles. Victims included The Berry Joint smoothy and juice bar at 2424 West Shore Road, Dunkin Donuts, Burger King, and Warwick Veterans Middle School across the street, which was spray-painted.
“We are working with police, and have provided them with surveillance footage,” said Warwick School Committee Chairman Shaun Galligan, who said the graffiti may have been part of the spree.
Police report the youths apparently chose random targets for their malicious mischief, and some of the property was defaced with anti-police rhetoric. Initial estimates to repair the damage is several thousand dollars.
Warwick Police conducted an investigation, aided by information developed by WPD Det. Gregory Accinno, resulting in the arrests of the four local juveniles. These boys were released to their parents and they will be petitioned to the Family Court.
Police asked anyone with any other information to contact Det. Accinno at 401-468-4257 or e-mail: Gregory.accinno@warwickri.gov
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